Wednesday, July 13, 2011

If you get there before I do, don't give up on me...

"If you get there before I do,
don't give up on me
I'll be there when my chores are through
I don't know how long I'll be
But Im not gonna let you down
...Darling wait and see
And between now and then
Till I see you again
I'll be loving you
Love, Me" ♥

I didn’t have time to write yesterday L….My friend Courtney, her husband, and his friend came out yesterday evening to work on my electrical for my room—almost done! Yay!  I should have carpet Friday and then it will be moving time.  Geez, I am  going to be so busy before school starts, I still have to finish my classroom, but that will be fun.  I am so ready for everything to just be DONE and for Trey to be here. 

I had to send a certified copy of Derrek’s “D” certificate in today for something, not even really for sure what it was for, just know that they needed it.  I am so sick of having to send that in, or have to explain on the phone why I need to change the (account, address, etc…) in to my name.  They always say “Well we will need to talk to Mr. Snodgrass and get his approval before we can change anything.”  O-EM-GEE that gets really depressing and old really fast! I am soooooo sick of having to tell people “well if you find a way to contact him and get his approval than please let me know because I would LOVE to talk to him too!” I think I have about got everything taken care of though…I hope.

Derrek’s Granny, Granddad, and Uncle Jimmy came out yesterday to look at my room and see how everything was coming.  It was nice to visit with them.  Granny was cleaning out a drawer and found a Father’s Day present that Derrek had made for Grandad back in 1992, when he was 9 years old.  It was so cute and funny.  It had these little coupons and Derrek had written on each one what they were good for.  One was good for one fishing trip, for Derrek to be good the hole (yes hole, not whole J) day, to feed the dog, to help him ride the four wheeler, etc… It was so sweet.  I noticed Derrek’s handwriting hadn’t changed much since he was nine, lol.  I always teased him about his handwriting, now I think it is the most beautiful handwriting in the world.  I would pay all the money in the world to have him back here with me and just write me a note that said “I love you”.  Speaking of writing makes me think back to this Valentine’s Day.  He got me a Valentine’s Day card and inside he wrote that he loved me so much and would do anything for me—even take a bullet for me—and that hopefully it would just be like in the arm or leg and preferably not any bones—but that he’d take one for me. Lol it was so funny.  He always wrote funny things like that and then he would write something so sweet.  I save all my cards I get for anything, but right now they are in a box somewhere that I will have to go through and find.  I am so glad now that I saved all the cards he got me.  I miss him so much L

O and yesterday Derreks thumb print necklace charms came in! I was so happy! I had ordered me a big one with Derrek’s birthstone in it and then I ordered Trey a smaller one.  They are beautiful.  Now I will always have Derrek’s “hand” on me.  I usually wear his wedding ring with me most places too.  I have it on a necklace with this little charm that says “Always with me” and then I wear this beautiful little key with a heart top that has diamonds all around it.  Derrek got me “the key to his heart” on our one year wedding anniversary.  It is beautiful.  I love little dainty chains and this one was just perfect.  He kept asking me what I wanted and I finally told him I would like a dainty little necklace that I could wear all the time and never take off.  I never take that necklace, my wedding ring, or my Love Knot Eternity ring off.  I don’t know what I will do when my fingers swell so much I have to take off my wedding ring L In the evenings it is getting pretty bad, so I know the time is coming.

Corrie came by yesterday too.  I got to hold little baby Briar for a long time.  It definitely gave me baby fever.  I am so ready to have Trey here.  I can’t wait to just love on him all the time.  He definitely will have so many people that love him, between all my family, Jesse’s side, and then Peggy’s side.  He is one special little boy.  Definitely my miracle baby.  I remember I was so scared, and still am, that something will go wrong.  I am very over protective of him already, but that’s understandable because not only is he my precious son, he is my only piece of my husband I have left.  My little miracle baby, God knew what he was doing when he blessed me with him.  And I cannot wait to see him on the 27th! I just daydream what he will look like.  Will he have my curly hair or Derrek’s straight, blonde, brown, or dark dark brown? Blue eyes or blue-green? What complexion?  Will he have my sensitive stomach or Derrek’s stomach of steel? Lol, yes I day dream about him all the time.  He is my precious little miracle. 

Well I think that is enough for now.  Until next time, God Bless.
Brook Snodgrass

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